Sia: 1000 Forms of Fear

1000 Forms of Fear
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Artist: Sia
Genre: Alternative
Label: RCA

Over the past few years, Sia Furler's midas touch has facilitated many a musician; Rihanna, Katy Perry, David Guetta and Eminem all count her as a lucrative collaborator. Her solo material hasn't topped as many charts, but the publicity- shy Australian's sixth album will undoubtedly sell millions. Most of these songs, such as lead single Chandelier, unsurprisingly sound like Rihanna cuts: slick, studio-constructed pop tunes with soaring vocals but negligible personality. Furler fares better when she unshackles herself from the "pop hit" blueprint, as heard on Hostage and Fan Game (the latter even leaving room for a xylophone solo). However, Cellophane and Dressed in Black share the same predictably drama-laden build to a big chorus. It's passable, occasionally enjoyable pop, but is the indubitably creative Furler ultimately in danger of being hoist by her own petard?

Download: Hostage, Fan Game

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times