Slim Twig: Thank You For Stickin’ With Twig | Album Review

Thank You For Stickin’ With Twig
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Artist: Slim Twig
Genre: Pop
Label: DFA

Slim Twig seems an unusual fit for DFA, a label best known for operating at the nexus of post-punk, disco and house.

They've been branching out a little more of late, but Thank You For Stickin' With Twig is the most psychedelic, certainly the most earthy, thing they've ever released.

You’re unlikely to hear anything here within earshot of a dancefloor, anyway. 26-year-old Twig – born Max Turnbull in Toronto – seems like an entirely singular type, with a sprawling discography (this is his fifth album – or sixth, it’s hard to tell) and an approach that blends bluesy songcraft with a real sense of adventure in the studio.

Guitars and horns are pushed into the red, dub effects are judiciously employed and the songs are twisted into bizarre, molten shapes. Get your ears in tune with Twig’s and it’s a fun, surprising trip.

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