Uniquely in Europe, the Yugoslavian regime of Marshal Tito accorded official status and support to Roma culture. Thus invigorated, the gypsy music of that period, revelling in a host of influences from Western pop to Bollywood, became the new sound of the mainstream. The intrepid explorers at Vlax Records uncovered a wealth of vinyl treasure: in addition to early cuts from Saban Bajramovic and Esma Redzepova (the royalty of Roma music), there are many compelling performances and, of course, great musicianship, among them the Turkish-style virtuoso clarinet of Medo Cun and the Kosovan wedding music of Nehat Gasi. The album closes with a version of the Roma anthem Djelem Djelem by a mainstream non-Roma Montenegran pop outfit. The rise of Roma culture was complete . . . for a short moment.
Download: Kada Zvona Zvone, Ramajana, Zanino Kolo
Stand Up, People: Gypsy Pop Songs from Tito’s Yugoslavia 1964-1980