Step aside other end-of-year lists, this is the only one that really matters

It’s On The Record Gongs of the Year time - awarded for the most outstanding, pointless, ridiculous and offensive contributions to music in 2016

The Rock’n’Roll County Councillor of the Year award goes to Pearce Flannery for his proposal that Bruce Springsteen play Galway Airport

Hands up who wants a gong? Every year around this time, On the Record leans back to give a well deserved pat on the back to the people who've made this corner of zing in the previous 12 months. They're the people we wouldn't have a column without, the people who make us go "they've done what now?" on a Monday morning.

OTR’s Gongs of the Year are special badges of honour. Some would argue that they don’t want one of these snarky, misshapen, strangely coloured yokes anywhere near their gaff, but they’re just being modest.

In a year when it seemed as if pop stars were heading for the exit on a weekly basis, it’s time to remind people that there was other stuff going on too in the pop world. This deserves to be recognised, remembered and rewarded, even if the participants want to move swiftly on.

Here, then, are this year’s winners of OTR’s Gongs of the Year. The trophies will be in the post after the Christmas rush.


Rock'n'Roll County Councillor of the Year
Pearce Flannery
The Galway councillor proposed that the council get Bruce Springsteen (right) to play at the city's idle airport to raise some cash. There was no mention of this in Springsteen's book as far as we can see.

Conflict of Interest of the Year
Ticket resale sites
Seatwave and Get Me In, which are owned by primary ticket seller Ticketmaster. Which is owned by the company promoting and controlling nearly all the gigs and festivals, Live Nation.

Meme of the Year
Night mayors
Rarely has an idea received so much traction. Next year, we might even see some action.

Music Fans of the Year
All those who had a swing at the touts who were grabbing all the tickets and selling them for ludicrous sums of cash.

Get Well Soon of the Year
Kanye West
The Life of Pablo
wasn't great, but it's sad to see a good man down.

Extension of the Year
Electric Picnic, showing you can sell even more tickets for a gig in a field in Co Laois and they'll still keep on coming

Venue of the Year
Magistorium in Dublin

No, we have no idea what it's supposed to be either.

Hot Ticket of the Year
$1,495 for "a private acoustic/ storyteller show with Jon Bon Jovi" at the Academy in Dublin last July. I'm not sure if these ended up on Get Me In as well.

Radio Station Departure of the Year
Which got more attention as it went off air than it ever did while on air.

Donegal Person of the Year
For her Hopelessnes album, which showed that climate change and ecological activism could be the inspiration for great music.

Surprise of the Year
Artists who announced a release date for their new album months ahead of time and stuck to it, rather than just throwing out the album in the hope of catching reviewers off guard.

Revellers of the Year
The Marlay Park residents who were not happy following this year's shows in the park.

Festival Failure of the Year T in the Park
Which is taking a break in 2017 following an eventful 2016.

Future of Music of the Year
The Gloaming
Who are expected to play every single night in 2018 at Dublin's NCH, bar St Patrick's Day and June 17th.

Record Retailer of the Year
Who shut down their Irish shops (again) and left workers in the lurch (again).

Ravers of the Year
The Dublin footballers whose big night out at Space in Ibiza was curtailed by the All-Ireland replay.