Steve Aoki

Olympia, Dublin Tonight 7pm €33.50 0818-719300; Limelight, Belfast Tonight 10pm £18 048-90327007

Olympia, Dublin Tonight 7pm €33.50 0818-719300; Limelight, Belfast Tonight 10pm £18 048-90327007

You know you’re a hot property when you can play two Irish shows on the same night and be sure of full houses in both. Steve Aoki (below) – electrohouse producer, globetrotting DJ and Dim Mak label boss – has been one of the big beneficiaries of the EDM boom Stateside as his profile and, naturally, fees have rocketed.

Aoki’s label has been a home since 1997 for such bracing acts as MSTRKRFT, Klaxons, The Bloody Beetroots, The Kills and others. But it’s his own career, one which included remixing gigs for Kanye West, Eminem and The Killers, which has been the one with real momentum. Last year’s Wonderland album featured collaborations with Kid Cudi, LMFAO and others, and ensured a growing audience for his chaotic, energetic live shows.

Given this level of popularity, you can be sure Aoki will be back in Ireland pretty sharpish. JIM CARROLL


Can’t See That? Catch This

Two Airbound parties in one night (Sat, Dublin); Sabbath-friendly grooves at Sunday Times (Sun, Cork); and South London Ordnance pops up at Bruce Willis (Wed, Dublin)