Suede - Night Thoughts: refashioned into a less predictable beast

Night Thoughts
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Artist: Suede
Genre: Alternative
Label: Suede Ltd/Warners

There have been many of David Bowie’s creative bastard offspring doing the rounds over the past two weeks, but Suede fit the bill better than most.

What is perhaps more nourishing a thought is that the Suede we knew of 20-odd years ago has been refashioned into a less predictable beast – no longer does lead singer Brett Anderson sing of furtive drug-taking in gasoline-stink alleys or sleazy sex on council estates.

Rather, as the title implies, this sees Anderson mull over those dusk to dawn ruminations of a man of a certain age who is wondering what on earth he’s doing and how long he’s got left to do it.

The music rattles along at speed – songs such as Like Kids and I Don't Know How To Reach You channel classic-era quality, while closing track The Fur And The Feathers is a flamboyant ballad to beat them all.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture