The Beat: rudeboys get EP skanking

Rocksteady tunes help to raise spirits of weary main stage crowd

Ranking Roger of The Beat. Photograph: Joseph Okpako/Getty.

Stars: ***

You can’t beat The Beat. Main stage, early doors, crowd beginning to stir themselves into action and a bunch of rudeboys with their roughneck, rocksteady tunes primed for action: lovely.

This is a band who could do shows like this in their sleep, but don’t mistake experience for complacency. You couldn’t phone in the buzzed-up, manic, energetic pizazz which Ranking Roger and company throw Stadbally’s way. When there are songs like “Stand Down Margaret”, “Mirror in the Bathroom” and a majestic, full ska-metal jacket take on “Ranking Full Stop” to perform, you need all your senses working overtime.

What’s perhaps most exemplary about The Beat’s performance is how they connect with the crowd. The bone-lazy folks slumped on the grass (the grass on the ground, fact-checker) soon turn into a happy skanking horde. Top of the pops.