Trot A Mouse: Pictorial Atlas of Mammals | Album Review

Pictorial Atlas of Mammals
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Artist: Trot A Mouse
Genre: Jazz
Label: Skirl Records

To call Simon Jermyn a guitarist, or a bassist (his hybrid six-stringed instrument resembles both), barely hints at the range and subtlety of his musicianship.

In a wider sense, Jermyn is a musical instigator, and his real instrument is his band.

Since relocating to Brooklyn in 2009, the Dubliner has been developing what was already a unique instrumental voice, writing his own music and connecting with some of New York’s most creative musical minds.

Several of them appear here, his second release under his Trot A Mouse nom de guerre.


Saxophonist Ingrid Laubrock, violist Mat Maneri and drummer Tom Rainey may not be troubling the top of the charts, but they represent the vanguard of American improvised music and, with records like this, Simon Jermyn is claiming a place among them.

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Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director