Van Morrison launches Covid-19 legal action over North’s live music ban

The singer will argue the ban is not based on credible scientific or medical evidence

Irish singer Van Morrison caused controversy last year when he penned three songs denouncing lockdowns in Northern Ireland. File photograph: Dani Cardona/Reuters

Van Morrison is mounting a legal challenge against a pandemic ban on live music. The celebrated singer-songwriter, from Belfast, is commencing judicial review proceedings against Stormont regulations that prohibit live music in indoor licensed venues in Northern Ireland.

Hospitality and entertainment venues are currently closed as part of a six-week lockdown in the region. When such venues have been allowed to open under less severe restrictions, live music has not been allowed.

Solicitor Joe Rice, acting on behalf of Morrison, said live music had not been defined in Northern Ireland’s coronavirus regulations, with effectively a blanket ban imposed on everything from a heavy metal band to a harp soloist.

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He highlighted that the situation was different in England, where pre-lockdown, live music had been permitted under the tiering system after suitable risk assessments had been conducted.


Mr Rice highlighted that the singer had performed at the London Palladium last September.

He said his client will argue the ban in Northern Ireland is unsustainable in law and is not based on credible scientific or medical evidence.

The 75-year-old musician caused controversy last year when he penned three songs denouncing lockdowns.

In them, Morrison accused the Government of taking people’s freedom and alleged scientists were making up “crooked facts” to justify restrictions to “enslave” the population.

Mr Rice has issued pre-action correspondence to Stormont’s Executive Office and the Department of Health.

The letter calls on ministers to make public the medical and scientific basis for the regulation.

If the ban is not lifted, Morrison will seek leave from the High Court in Belfast to challenge the prohibition by way of judicial review.

Commenting on the legal move, Mr Rice said: “Many people in the music and arts world in Northern Ireland have been devastated financially, socially and artistically by this complete ban.

“This differs from the law in England and Wales and the evidence behind such a negative decision in this jurisdiction is far from obvious.

“Sir Van is taking this action on behalf of the thousands of musicians, artists, venues and those involved in the live music industry.

“He has been supporting many artists throughout this pandemic and is determined to ensure that, as we endeavour to emerge safely from this lockdown, artists and musicians will have a proper opportunity to play their part through live music to restore the cultural, social and economic wellbeing and success of our society.” – PA