Various: Greater Lengths – An All Saints Compilation

Greater Lengths: an All Saints Compilation
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Artist: Various
Genre: Electronic
Label: All Saints Records

Few enough independent record labels stick to their initial aesthetics. One of them is London-based All Saints, which started off some 20 years ago as, essentially, an imprint for Brian Eno's ambient work. The label has extended its reach but never lost sight of why it was founded. Greater Lengths includes Eno (The River, What Actually Happened and Spinner, the latter a co-perfomance with Jah Wobble), as well as his brother Roger (the beautiful Emberdays) and contemporary/ ambient classical composers such as Harold Budd (Afar, Saint's Name Spoken). If you're after an intriguing blend of electronica (Roedelius's South Of), world rhythms (Lar-aaji's Deep Celestial), and downright oddness (John Paul Jones's Four Minute Warning), then you're advised to be present and correct.

Download: Roger Eno, Emberdays; Harold Budd, Afar

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture