My School

Fighting Words 2021: An article by Hasan, Suubaan primary school, Somalia

My school is located at a very good place away from the village noises such as the grunts of the camels and the bleating of sheep and goats. Photograph: iStock

My name is Hasan, and I am 15 years old. I will write about my beloved school.

My school is called Suubaan primary school. It is located in Suubaan village under Godobjiraan district in Nugal region. My school was started in the year 2008. It consists of six classrooms, separate latrines for boys and girls, a teachers’ staffroom, principal’s office and one big playground. Unfortunately my school has no fence, no dining hall and no library. My school is located at a very good place away from the village noises such as the grunts of the camels and the bleating of sheep and goats. I feel calm and concentrated when I am in the class studying because of the short distance between the village and the school.

My school has highly qualified, disciplined, dedicated and hardworking teachers. There is a very good relationship between the teachers and the students. My class teacher is very kind and always encourages us to follow the school rules and regulations. He is called Yusuf. The students are very hardworking too, eager to learn and highly disciplined.

My teachers teach us very politely and help us learn subjects in very creative and attractive ways. They give us daily class assignments and homework. My parents are supportive too. My mother wakes up early in the morning every day to prepare breakfast for me and my brothers so we do not feel hungry during the class. Both my parents encourage me every day to become a good, disciplined and hardworking student.


In my school, we have extracurricular activities such as drama clubs, football club, hygiene, choir and reading clubs. I am a member of the football club and reading club. Every Thursday, our teachers conduct reading competitions for students who are part of the reading club. Since I have joined the reading club, it has improved my reading skills and confidence. It has also improved my vocabulary and developed my communication skills.

My school also has a big playground where all students gather during the break time and at weekends to do exercise in order to stay fit and healthy. We all play different types of games in the playground. Boys mainly play football and other traditional games. Our teachers encourage all students to take part in extracurricular activities and be part of at least one club. I am a member of the football club and my football team consist of strong and good players whose game I admire very much. I hope in the future our school produces great players who participate in football games at both national and international level.

I love my school.

Fighting Words is an Irish charity that helps children and adults to develop their creative writing skills. This is part of their annual publication with The Irish Times