New arts centre for Drogheda?

THE active Droichead Arts Centre in Drogheda has launched Ian ambitious proposal to house an arts centre, artists' studios, a…

THE active Droichead Arts Centre in Drogheda has launched Ian ambitious proposal to house an arts centre, artists' studios, a community arts resource centre and an open air performance space in a beautiful Georgian townhouse, Barlow House. Designed by Richard Castle in 1734, the house is currently owned by the Office of Public Works and occupied by the Garda Siochana, who will shortly be leaving it. Droichead has proposed to the OPW that it let them Barlow House at a "peppercorn rent", in order to facilitate the project.

As if to show what a punch it can pack, the centre is organising an interesting event tonight with the local Barbican literary group. An a restaging of a concert which took place in Dublin in 1995, Seamus Heaney will read his poetry, and settings of his work composed by local man, Michael Holohan, will be performed by the Lindsay Singers and Meav Mulcahy from Anuna, among others. All proceeds from the concert will go to the Siena Convent's building fund - particularly appropriate as Heaney's aunt has been a Siena nun in Drogheda for many years. The event takes place in the Augustinian Church, Drogheda at 8 p.m.

Phone Droichead on 041-33946/42054 for booking information.