new dvds

15 cert

15 cert

An intimidating nun (Streep) suspects a priest (Hoffman) of sexually abusing a schoolboy in Shanley’s smouldering drama, set in mid-1960s New York and powered by virtuoso, Oscar- nominated performances. As these formidable foes clash head-on, the film impels us to address our own doubts about the moral dilemma raised and so acutely explored.

Wilson and Aniston fit well together as newlywed journalists who acquire a hyperactive Labrador retriever in the movie of John Grogan’s best-seller memoir. The dog is the actual star in a film that’s as light, fluffy and cuddly as a puppy until it reaches an emotional end.

A hit-and-run accident triggers dramatic complications for three members of the same family and a venal politician in this strikingly photographed Turkish film noir. The heightened use of sound effects amplifies the tense atmosphere.