
Transition Times: Newshounds listen up: a TV channel wants your take on events

Transition Times: Newshounds listen up: a TV channel wants your take on events. Did you find coverage of Ken Bigley's kidnapping offensive or intrusive? Did you wish that Olympic coverage was not so obsessed with doping scandals? Do you want celebrities off the screen?

SkyWitness Youth, a scheme run by Sky News, asks young people, in three age groups (under 10, 11-14 and 15-17), to write about the news as they see it, whether it's the war in Iraq, the smoking ban or the Beckhams' marriage.

The best stories will be posted online, with three winners selected by Sky News to receive a digital camera and a trip to the Sky News Ireland set, with their classmates, to meet the news team. The closing date is Friday, December 17th. See