Open for discussion

The launch of the discussion document Towards a New Framework For The Arts, by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and…

The launch of the discussion document Towards a New Framework For The Arts, by the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Sile de Valera last month marked the first time in almost 30 years that any Government mooted the idea of providing a new arts legislative framework. The first Arts Act was passed in 1951 and was amended in 1973.

Some 20 years later, the first full ministry for the arts was established and since then, State funding to the arts has grown dramatically. Funds to the Arts Council, for instance, have increased from £10.6 to £35 million since 1993.

In response to the latest discussion document, the Minister has invited submissions from interested parties, which must reach her office by October 20th. These will be taken into the account in the drafting of the new Arts Act.

Among the issues for debate in the document are these:


should the development of arts policy should be taken away from an independent Arts Council - which operates "at arm's length" from the Minister, though it is appointed by her - and be made instead by the Minister's Department?;

should there should be a pre-determined budget set aside for arts in the Irish language and should a Traditional Arts Council should be established for "traditional arts" such as Irish traditional singing and dancing?

Here's what a random sample of movers and shakers in the arts world thought of the document.

Towards a New Framework for the Arts can be read on the Web at