
Latest opera CDs reviewed

Latest opera CDs reviewed


Un Bel Di

RTE Lyric FM CD 118 *****


Nowadays, as Irish singers achieve operatic success around the world, we may forget that in the first half of the last century Margaret Burke-Sheridan was the only Irish soprano to become famous in the great opera houses of Europe. This anniversary disc contains her best recordings, together with some tracks that have never been issued on CD. Burke-Sheridan's career was short, lasting about 10 years in the 1920s, but during that time she was at the top of her profession in Europe, and was admired in Italy as the greatest Madame Butterfly of her generation. For older listeners this disc will bring back memories of a thrilling lyric soprano voice, while younger lovers of opera will hear a great singer who did Ireland proud when we were struggling to find our feet as a nation. www.rte.ie/shop COLMAN MORRISSEY

Download tracks: Galway Bay, Un Bel Di, I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls