
Judging from the non-stop talking throughout this gig, Dublin band Pelvis were playing to a select crowd culled from the city…

Judging from the non-stop talking throughout this gig, Dublin band Pelvis were playing to a select crowd culled from the city's chattering classes. Moving closer to the stage, it was easier to appreciate their mood swings, which moved from the proto-punk force of 15 Seconds Of Fame to the soft-focus shimmer of Streetlight. But their three-pronged musical attack often misses the target or simply buckles in a mangled mess of guitar and vocals.

Yet, when Pelvis are focused, as on Attitude and All Too Much For Me, the band can verge on the sublime, and the possibilities afforded by Johnny Rowen's coiled high tenor voice become crystal clear. Hang My Hat is a superbly subtle opener, doffing the cap with style and confidence, but I Am The Supergrass proves the real hero of the night - a cracking tune, informed with a catchy hook which assails the senses.

Pelvis are not fully formed yet, but their debut album, Who Are You Today?, establishes their identity as a strong, self-contained musical unit.

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney is an Irish Times journalist