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Transition Times: Could you be a prize photographer?

Transition Times: Could you be a prize photographer?

If you're a transition-year student with an eye for a picture, you could win one of nine top prizes in the Age Action Schools Photobank Competition.

If you have an older friend or relative who is inclined to strike interesting, photogenic poses, take a photograph and send it to the address below. (Before you set up a secret camera in your neighbour's garden, however, remember that you need your subject's written consent.)

Last year's winning photograph (left), by Angela Harding of Sancta Maria College in Ballyroan, Dublin, captured a sublime moment in the lives of a mother and son who were both over 70 and relishing life.


If you think you can find an image that makes a statement about what it means to be old in Ireland, you could win a prize from Hewlett-Packard in January.

(If you prefer words to images, send a 1,000-word essay on "being old in Ireland: a youth perspective".)

Entries must reach Age Action by December 3rd. A main prize will be presented to the overall winner in each competition, with nine prizes for the runners-up in both the photo and essay categories.

Send entries to Daragh Matthews, Age Action Ireland, 30-31 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, clearly marked Schools Competition, or visit www.ageaction.ie for additional entry forms and information.