Play Bewleys, Grafton St Gerry Colgan

Many writers have explored the theme that hell is other people, but none, I'm sure, with the stark originality of Samuel Beckett…

Many writers have explored the theme that hell is other people, but none, I'm sure, with the stark originality of Samuel Beckett's Play (as in games people play). Two women and a man appear up to their necks in urns, and speak only when an inquisitor spotlight hits their faces. They are locked into a cycle of jealousy, infidelity and bitterness, going on and on. It is a strangely haunting piece.

The talented Tall Tales Company's production (at Bewleys, lunchtime) has to contend with loud busker sounds floating in from the street, and has its own limitations; makeshift urns, too diffuse a spotlight, a degree of interpretation not in the script.

Still, Maureen Collender, Deirdre Kinahan and Robert Shaw, directed by Dermot Corrigan, make a good fist of the difficult work; worth a visit.

Until 30th August; tel: 01- 6260548