Quiz answers

The answers to our weekly movie quiz.

The answers to our weekly movie quiz.

1. Shrek

2. Space Oddity

3. Doris Day


4. Bonnie and Clyde

5. 21 Grams. All the rest are told backwards.

6. Duran, Duran. O'Shea played a character of that name in Barbarella. Notorious was a hit for the band. They provided the theme song for A View to a Kill.

7. Both films feature conversations about the Silver Surfer, who appears in the latest Fantastic Four film.

8. Played Vincent Van Gogh. The films in question are Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, Vincent & Theo and Lust for Life.

9. Victor Fleming. All directed parts of The Wizard of Oz, but Fleming alone received a credit.

10, The Doctor in Doctor Who. William Hartnell was Dallow in Brighton Rock (1947). David Tennant was Barty Crouch Junior in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). Patrick Troughton was The Player King in Hamlet (1948). Christopher Eccleston was Jude Fawley in Jude (1996).