Rain & Shine

Berry good: Children from a remote townland in Fermanagh are taking part in a series of "Bilberry Days" today and tomorrow, …

Berry good:Children from a remote townland in Fermanagh are taking part in a series of "Bilberry Days" today and tomorrow, writes Fionola Meredith.

They are taking to the slopes of Benaughlin Mountain in search of the sharp blueish-black fruits, before trying their hands at making bilberry cakes, or constructing traditional rush "bilberry baskets" in which to carry the fruit home. Organised by the Aughakillymaude Community Mummers, the Bilberry Days are a revival of an old folk custom which marked the feast of Lughnasa. To book, call 028677 42727 or (0044) 79710 75955.

Wing and a prayer

The Vatican may have its own post office and even a football tournament, but it has lacked what all real states offer: an airline. That will be put right this month as the Vatican launches its first charter flights for pilgrims from Rome to Lourdes, with other religious destinations to follow. "The spirit of this new initiative is to meet the growing demand by pilgrims to visit the most important sites for the faith," said Fr Cesare Atuire at the Vatican pilgrimage office.


Psst. . .

Escape the madding crowd at Dublin airport and visit the Anna Livia lounges. €25 will buy you three hours of peace, drinks and snacks. Tel: 1890 306090.

Seek out or avoid: share your holiday tip by e-mail: august@irish-times.ie

TODOTODAY:At lunchtime, pop along to Opera in The Open, a free outdoor performance at the amphitheatre at the Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin.

For more events listings see: www.ireland.com/the ticket/summerevents/