
According to John Hutchinson, the gallery's director, this exhibition "came into being last autumn, when I drew up a list of …

According to John Hutchinson, the gallery's director, this exhibition "came into being last autumn, when I drew up a list of works by artists from Ireland, or who have strong Irish connections, that I felt might be interesting to include in a group show . . . A few pieces have been added to, or subtracted from, the first draft, but the final selection is almost identical to the original."

True to the almost minimalist presentation which has virtually become part of the gallery's recognisable character, the pieces are sparsely hung or mounted, utilising floor as well as wall space skilfully. In this case such treatment functions well and the exhibition, in spite of being made up of such disparate works, has an overall coolly spacious, contemplative character that seems very fitting. The idea of memory is also involved, adding a faintly dreamlike element.

Siobhan Hapaska's exhibitions are among the most robust as well as the most immediate, with an almost baroque quality of imagery. Sean Shanahan - an artist who has made noticeable strides of late - exhibits a flat metal square with a smaller, rather Alber-style square of colour superimposed on its centre; the illusion of cool, light-filled depth is almost palpable, rather like sunrays striking through water.

Sean Seawright shows two prints with a photographic base, in which the strong but intricate sense of design is paramount; his work continues to impress me by its balance of boldness and taste. There are good, characteristic paintings by Stephen McKenna (increasingly identified with this gallery as well as with IMMA), free, lyrical, almost splashy abstract works by Fionnuala Ni Chiosain, and some impressive small sculptures by Kathy Prendergast which have a kind of nuggety sense of compression and compactness. Dorothy Cross's exhibits I thought rather lightweight, though in this special ambience they function well enough as part of a whole. The other exhibitors are Nicolas May, Mark Francis and Willie McKeown.


Until September 27th.