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Recent releases reviewed

Enjoy Every Sandwich – The Songs of Warren Zevon Artemis 

The title is taken from a comment made by the late American singer/ songwriter when asked what his fatal illness had taught him (he died last year). The humorous aside with a deeper resonance was typical of this remarkable man who went as far as his demons would take him and returned to tell the story. And  what a story it was – bitter, confessional, tender, funny, clever, brash and wild. Zevon's songs never made him big bucks but he did attract a fervent following, not least among the elite, such as Jackson Browne (his friend and first producer), Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Don Henley, The Pixies, The Wallflowers and Steve Earle, all of whom contribute powerful tracks here. But the most potent comes from the most obscure: cult singer Jill Sobule, whose measured version of Don't Let Us Get Sick hits all the right spots, and Zevon's son Jordan, who sounds eerily like his dad on Studebaker.

Joe Breen


There Will Be A Light Virgin 
We'll shy away from saying this is a match made in heaven – whatever those who took part say. The ageless Gospel harmonies of the Blind Boys of Alabama and the intense passion of blues/soul/reggae maverick Ben Harper combine to make one of those albums that just feels right in every groove. Harper had intended to enlist the Blind Boys for a track or two on his new album, but the session took on a life of its own, so much that a second session was arranged and a joint byline sealed. Harper's relatively
youthful and animated voice is cossetted by the Blind Boys' wonderfully rich harmonies, while Hammond and guitar soar above a meaty rhythm section taken from Harper's band, the Innocent Criminals. It's all about the Lord, either in praise or in atonement, but there is nothing forced. Who said the devil had all the best tunes?

Joe Breen