Seasick Steve

A very Peaches Geldof-looking young woman interviewed a bemused Seasick Steve in the Hotpress Chatroom on Friday, to an audience…

A very Peaches Geldof-looking young woman interviewed a bemused Seasick Steve in the Hotpress Chatroom on Friday, to an audience in a state of what can only be described as rapture.

It began with something new: a question about surviving recession, which Steve answered with aplomb: “Taking care of yourself starts when you get down to nothing. I don’t know about the middle part.” Cue plentiful laughter and Steve looking slightly confused; the crowd, it seemed, was just determined to find him hilarious.

What about the future of music, Steve? “It’s a big question.” Ha ha ha, goes the crowd. “All the old folks I used to know are dead. It’s always up to the young people.” Rapturous applause.

This interview never seemed to quite get off the ground, but in this tent, nobody cared.


Ha ha ha. RMC