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Latest releases reviewed

THE SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES Heading For A Breakdown Warner Music ***

The Oasis it's OK to like are back, and they're still plundering the past, but covering their tracks with thumping drums and rocktastic guitars. No wonder the new bands have to borrow from the 1980s - the 1960s and 1970s have been strip-mined.

BRITNEY SPEARS Do Something Jive **


Britney's been having a run of decent songs lately, what with Toxic and Everytime. This is sassy in a Gwen Stefani kinda way, but it suddenly descends into some kinda perverted Mickey Mouse Club rah-rah. You can take the girl out of the Mickey, etc.

THE THRILLS The Irish Keep Gatecrashing Virgin ****

The Blackrock trio have blown the lid on us liggers, alerting the world to the danger of unwelcome paddies barging into their party, guzzling all the Guinness, and asking the girls if they'd like a bit of Irish in them. Luckily, it's a catchy tune, so if we say we know the band, we might get in.

HANDSOME BOY MODELING SCHOOL The World's Gone Mad Atlantic/Elektra ***

Dan The Automator and Prince Paul don the cuban moustaches and cigars for this shuffling raga about the state of the world today. Sounds a lot like Gorillaz' Clint Eastwood - bet they're missing Dan already.

BJöRK Triumph Of The Heart One Little Indian **

From her mostly-vocal Medulla album, here's the Icelandic oddball showing just how far you can stretch a larynx. Buried underneath all the whoops and whispers is a half-decent tune, but it's too much like hearing voices in your head - aarrgghh!

NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS Get Ready For Love Mute ***

When Nick Cave asks you to get ready for love, he sounds like he's telling you to brace yourself for some twisted, medieval form of torture. Don't worry, his bark is worse than his lovebite, and you will succumb to his abrasive charms.

THE BRAVERY An Honest Mistake Loog ****

You might honestly mistake this for a mash-up of New Order and Blondie, but it's only this New York combo hoping to give The Killers a run for their 1980s record collection. Luckily, there's lots of tunes in their collection, not to mention a killer hook or two.