Stage struck

What the writers say about Fishamble.

What the writers say about Fishamble.

Abbie Spallen, playwright

"The most important thing about Fishamble is the fact that they understand the fundamental need for new writing in Ireland. While other theatre companies bemoan the lack of new writing here, Fishamble are active in seeking it out and supporting it. They understand that not every writer emerges fully formed like some kind of a butterfly and are willing to do what some won't - take a bloody chance. The weight of expectation on new writers in this country is horrendous and Fishamble are invaluable in providing a buffer zone for, let's face it, pretty fragile emerging talent."

Abbie Spallen is currently under commission to Fishamble, The Bush and Origin NYC


Joseph O'Connor, author

"I've worked with Fishamble twice: first on Red Roses and Petrol, then second on a stage adaptation of my book, True Believers. As a director, Jim has really exceptional storytelling instincts, a wonderful sense of how a play should be structured, but Fishamble are not only interested in text. They always use the best designers, lighting people and sound designers - and it isn't easy to do that on the budget they work with. To have kept Fishamble going for 20 years, commissioning so many new Irish plays, and giving a first break to so many leading Irish playwrights, is an immense achievement."

Joseph O'Connor's latest book,Redemption Falls , is published by Harvill Secker

Sean McLoughlin, playwright

"For the last 20 years, Fishamble has had a strict policy of producing solely new Irish work, so unlike other theatre companies they do not have the luxury of reverting to the past. This in my opinion makes Fishamble the most courageous and innovative theatre company in the country, because without new plays Irish contemporary theatre cannot survive."

Sean McLoughlin's play, Noah and the Tower Flower , was the winner of Best New Play at theIrish Times Theatre Awards

Stella Feehily, actor and playwright

"In 2002, Jim held a competition to find short plays to stage outdoors in Temple Bar. My piece was not selected but he wrote back inviting me to talk about my play which he called "intriguing". Since then he's been a constant supporter both in terms of encouragement and commission. I know he has given a lot of new writers including myself a chance, but he also commissions and produces established Irish writers, like the wonderful Sebastian Barry. Jim Culleton — top man!"

Stella Feehily is currently under commission at the Manhattan Theatre Club, Soho Theatre, Out Of Joint and the Royal Court