Children’s christmas show review: Jack and the Beanstalk

This show is as eager as its audience

Jack and the Beanstalk: Ross Anderson-Doherty, centre, keeps the show on the road as Dame Dolly Dosh

Waterfront Hall, Belfast


For years there have been bouts of panto handbagging across Belfast, with a big glam-fest at the Grand Opera House and broad comedy and value-for-money at the Waterfront Hall.

Lana Productions has again brought on board Bruiser's artistic director Lisa May to craft a new take on an old favourite by Patrick J O'Reilly.


Niall Rea’s colourful, cartoony design is bang up to date, with a variety of special – and not-so-special – effects beamed on to an overhead screen.

O’Reilly is irresistible as the supremely evil Mr Pennypincher, who, with his hatchet-faced wife (Kerri Quinn), cheats children of their toys and casts doubt on the existence of the fluorescent green giant at the top of the beanstalk.

As Dame Dolly Dosh, Ross Anderson-Doherty does well to keep attentions focused on a storyline that meanders here, there and everywhere in its over-eagerness to please and be down with the kids. Until Jan 4

Jane Coyle

Jane Coyle is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in culture