Snow White and the Adventures of Sammy Sausages

REVIEW: Tivoli Theatre Snow White is just a minor character in this panto, which has a post-modern fairy tale at its heart

REVIEW: Tivoli TheatreSnow White is just a minor character in this panto, which has a post-modern fairy tale at its heart. This is a narrative of cross-dressed lovers, off-the-cuff in-jokes, and so many queer gags you might be at a drag show.

Its protagonists are Sammy Sausages (Alan Hughes) and Buffy the Man-Eater (Rob Murphy in drag), who guide the hapless heroes of the fairy tale subplot to safety. Witless brothers Jealousy (Kevin Hynes) and Envy (Anthony Blake), and Magic Mirror (Brian “Bridie” Dowling), complete a cast of camp minor characters who wouldn’t be out of place at Alternative Miss Ireland. That the musical centrepieces revolves around Gangnam Style by Psy and the winning song from this year’s Eurovision (Loreen’s Euphoria in a powerful rendition by Niamh Kavanagh as the evil queen Malaria) confirms the agenda.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing for the kids. Indeed, despite Richard Levin’s flashy sets and a snazzy magic mirror, the small stage at the Tivoli evokes a school-play setting. It also invites an intimacy with the audience, which Sammy and Buffy exploit at every opportunity. Within the first few minutes, children are shouting back catchphrases (to “he’s behind you” add “sairtinly” and “tanks a tousand”). By the end they are dancing in the aisles, and some (the constantly abused daddies in the audience) on the stage.

The soundtrack is culled from the pop charts – Rhianna, Pink, Take That – and Paul Ryder’s choreography is easily imitated by the audience. The aesthetic is tacky as tinsel, but you can’t argue with giddy girls and boys waving neon glo-sticks in delight. The product placement, however, leaves a sour taste.


Until January 13th