Stormont Timetable

March 27th: Possible arrival of Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern to broker a solution to the deadlock.

March 27th: Possible arrival of Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern to broker a solution to the deadlock.

March 29th: Earliest date for D'Hondt system of allocating ministerial posts to be applied in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Standing Orders permit three-hour adjournment for last-minute moves on decommissioning.

April 2nd: Good Friday deadline for agreement on decommissioning and forming the executive.

April 5th: Marching season begins on Belfast's Ormeau Road.


June 3rd: Deadline for implementing changes to Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution - may be extended by the Oireachtas.

July 4th: Drumcree Sunday.