Super Furry Animals

The cosy Mandela Hall is perfectly proportioned for a Super Furry Animals gig

The cosy Mandela Hall is perfectly proportioned for a Super Furry Animals gig. At this point, the band could be plying their wares in much larger barns, but you get the feeling they wouldn't necessarily consider that to be progress.

It was the first night of their European tour, and they had lugged their surround-sound system to Belfast. Nowhere in the room were you more than a stone's throw from the stage or a set of speakers, and the benefits were undeniable.

It may have been the opening night, but there were no glitches to be ironed out. Super Furry Animals were obviously relishing being back on the road.

Having released five albums in as many years, they had no shortage of familiar material for those not entirely up to speed with the band. Old and new were given equal exhibition, and the glorious pop of God! Show Me Magic was mixed effortlessly with the downbeat It's Not The End Of The World?


Juxtaposed With U is declared the band's peace song - "You've got to tolerate all the people that you hate" - and contrasts knowingly with the disillusioned The Man Don't Give A Fuck.

It's easy to take for granted how complete a band Super Furry Animals are. Not content with merely sounding astonishing, the group opts for choice Furryvision backdrops.

Rings Around The World was released as the world's first DVD album earlier this year, and its videos, commissioned from the likes of the Dogme collective, played on screens above, behind and beside the band.

The precision with which this multimedia sensefest was executed was breathtaking, to say nothing of the quality of the pieces - especially Run, Christian, Run.

A visual spectacular combined with a festival atmosphere and outstanding pop - magic!