Tallfornia Mandolin Band

THIS grandly clad ensemble of eight string players, under the pastorly baton of Liam Kennedy, played to a full house of warm …

THIS grandly clad ensemble of eight string players, under the pastorly baton of Liam Kennedy, played to a full house of warm kinship and camaraderie. The dominant tone was set by four mandolins, built up by a mandola and bellied out by acoustic double bass. Two guitars added rhythm and overall sound was developed nicely in dreamy, plectrummed layers and part playing in a Mediterranean cum South American way.

At times reminiscent of Andean charango, and of Jewish Klezmer orchestra finesse, the dominant feel was of Greece and the mandolin's more ancient relative, the bouzouki. The programme was eclectic a Tom Waits song, Doc Watson tunes, Swing, Dixie-ish, Carolan, Central European waltzes and Bluegrass stalwarts.