Teen alone tips

Have a neighbour or a relative whom you both know well pop in each day to check that everything is fine.

Have a neighbour or a relative whom you both know well pop in each day to check that everything is fine.

Make sure that they know how to get hold of you in an emergency, and they have someone to call locally should they get into trouble.

Make and discuss with them a very clear list of what is, and what is not, okay. Ensure you both agree on all the points on the list.

Discuss with them what possible things may go wrong and how they could handle it.


Ensure that they have everything they need while you are away. Leave a list of important things for them - for example, when the rubbish needs putting out, how to switch the hot water on.

Be clear on your absolute no-go areas: for example, parties or taking your diamond ring for a night out. Discuss the consequences should the boundaries be exceeded. Remember, this is their time to show you that they can be trusted.

Agree on how often you will communicate with each other. Let them know that it works both ways. You don't want them ringing you every minute; after all, it's your break too.

Most of all, once you decide to trust them, let go and enjoy yourself.

Source: Sarah Newton, author of Help! My Teenager is an Alien - The Everyday Situation Guide for Parents www.sarahnewton.com