Terri Linehan

32, Helen's Bay, Bangor, Co Down

32, Helen's Bay, Bangor, Co Down

`Things are definitely more relaxed around the city. I remember the time when you really didn't go into the city centre at night. It wouldn't have been like that long ago, the early nineties. Now since the peace process the social scene has really taken off. There are so many new places opening up now, hotels, bars, and restaurants. There's also loads of new shopping centres and everything seems to be on a much bigger scale than it used to be. The money is definitely coming in.

"There's less security on the streets but I find that since the peace process took off the RUC seem to paying much more attention to parking tickets and smaller things like that. I know of friends who have been stopped to have their tax checked. They're very strict about stuff like parking now."