The Art Lover

Josephine Kelliher is the director of the Rubicon Gallery and has a long list of suggestions for acceptable gifts for someone…

Josephine Kelliher is the director of the Rubicon Gallery and has a long list of suggestions for acceptable gifts for someone with a gra for art, some of them more practical than others. First up is a romantic trip to Paris to catch the Rothko retrospective at the Musee des Beaux Arts. Next is a complete makeover of your art lover's living room so that there's lots of clean white space to hang an art collection; "so many people would like to hang their paintings, but are crippled by borders and dreadful wallpaper". If that all seems a little abstract, Josephine also recommends a year's subscription to The Art Newspaper, an Englishbased monthly publication that tells you exactly what's what in the international art scene (£47 for 11 issues, tel: 0044 1732 884023 for details).