Mobile-game developer Glu Games is expanding its celebrity-themed offerings, and is releasing games featuring Nicki Minaj and Jason Statham. No details have been announced as yet, but a previous game with Kim Kardashian involved creating “your own aspiring celebrity and rise to fame and fortune”, so expect Minaj’s game to be an historical military strategy game and Statham to feature in a fashion-themed shopping app.
Glu also has apps built around Katy Perry, the Jenner sisters and Britney Spears in the pipeline, but what about the celebrity apps we’d like to see happen? Here are a few ideas.
Hailo with Robert de Niro
Every time you call a cab, it arrives driven by Travis Bickle. Inane chatter is kept to a minimum. Cabs are available at any time of night. All tough neighbourhoods are covered. And the only music you here is Bernard Herrmann's creepy score, so in the back of the cab you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Actually, no knives in the cab.

Facebook presented by Mean Girls
This is just your existing Facebook app, but all the posts from people you like are read out by Lindsay Lohan's character Cady Heron, and those from people you pretend to be friends with but actually despise are read out in Regina George's voice. Sure look it, after the dog's dinner that is True Detective, we're sure Rachel McAdams could use the work.
Airbnb/MTV Cribs
We don't want to just see celebs' homes; we want to stay in them. Watching MTV Cribs, we always had the nagging suspicion that we were looking at some vacant pristine white barn that had been borrowed from a soon-to-open art gallery, not an actual home of a famous person. Staying there for a weekend with the lads should soon answer all our questions. Optional extras include 50 Cent actually being there and walking you through each room while explaining how well-stocked his fridge is. Sure look it, after the dog's dinner that is his finances, we're sure 50 could use the work.