The movie quiz

The weekly movie quiz, by Donald Clarke.

The weekly movie quiz, by Donald Clarke.

1. Which wine, according to Hannibal Lecter, goes well with fava beans and human liver?

2. Which popular movie series began with "Part IV"?

3. A Joseph Conrad novella inspired this film and - with the addition of a letter - lent its title to a documentary on the picture's troubled production. Which Vietnam epic?

4. Steven Spielberg, Jonathan Demme and Ben Gazzara all directed episodes of which 1970s detective series?

5. "Colin isn't a blind man as long as he's with me. And he's going with me!" Who's Colin?

6. Two directors have two films in the top ten of worldwide box office takings. Peter Jackson is one. Who is the other?

7. Scum, Marty, Heat and Requiem for a Heavyweight all began life as what?

8. A tune from Hair, a killer in Dirty Harry and the beginning of any early MGM film all suggest which picture currently on general release?

9. For what will you listen in vain throughout Network, The Birds and Tod Browning's version of Dracula?

10. Which is - technically speaking - the odd one out among the following: Behind the Green Door, The Matrix, Fargo, From Hell?