The music fades

Not even the success of the recent Dublin run of Me and My Girl could avert the decision by the board of the Irish Operatic Repertory…

Not even the success of the recent Dublin run of Me and My Girl could avert the decision by the board of the Irish Operatic Repertory Company to cease operations this summer, writes Mary Leland. The July date set for the formal close-down was selected because this allows the board to raise the funds necessary to clear all debts, and it also ensures the fulfilment of the company's obligations to its FAS training scheme.

IORC's sister company, Opera South, has delayed drawing down the £50,000 Arts Council grant awarded for this year, pending a decision on whether this company will also bite Cork's ungrateful dust. The omens are not good, as half the Arts Council allocation is challenge money which must be matched by the company.

Managing director Jan Farmer said this had been "the first time we didn't face massive debts after a run, and it was due to hefty sponsorship from Telecom Eireann and a massive fund-raising effort. We're just weary from it. We're very sad, but in a way we're relieved too."