The News

If you're young, Irish and well versed in song-writing, then 2FM wants to play your tune

If you're young, Irish and well versed in song-writing, then 2FM wants to play your tune. The 2FM/Jacobs Song Contest is open to anyone under 20 who can pen a ditty, and the 10 lucky finalists will get to perform their composition live on the wireless and on the telly. The overall winner will get £2,500 worth of Yamaha musical equipment, plus a chance to follow previous winner Naimee Coleman into the big-time. Send your tape to RTE before December 4th.

Students! Can't afford CDs? Fret ye not, for the Union of Students in Ireland has thrashed out a deal with Virgin Megastores to give a 10 per cent discount card to persons of an academic persuasion. Pop in to your local branch, fill out the form, and waltz back to your digs with cheap CDs a-plenty.