The News

Tower Records in Dublin are holding a special screening tonight of The Prodigy's controversial video for Smack My Bitch Up

Tower Records in Dublin are holding a special screening tonight of The Prodigy's controversial video for Smack My Bitch Up. The single has already caused uproar for its allegedly misogynist content, and the video has been banned from most television stations due to its graphic depiction of drug-taking, nudity and lesbian sex, though it has had late-night airings on MTV. Tower Records will screen it in their Wicklow Street store at 10 p.m. tonight. The Prodigy have denied that Smack My Bitch Up advocates violence against women, saying: "no one committed arson after hearing Firestarter or hyper-ventilated after hearing Breathe".

If you couldn't get a ticket for tonight's Oasis gig at the Point, you can at least listen to it on the wireless. 2FM are broad- casting the concert live from 8 p.m. tonight, so tell your friends to bring round their lighters and get ready to sing along to Wonderwall in the comfort of your own home.