The weekly movie quiz

Donald Clarke's weekly movie quiz

Donald Clarke's weekly movie quiz


1. Which film series reaches its 22nd (official) episode this week?

2. Connery, Moore, Dalton, Brosnan, Craig. Who's missing?


3. Which Dame unites Goldfinger, Diamonds are Foreverand Moonraker?

4. Who is the odd one out: Plenty O'Toole, Pussy Galore, Felicity Shagwell, Mary Goodnight?

5. Only one Bond film has an "official theme" that is entirely instrumental. Which one?

6. Who currently essays the role previously played by Bernard Lee, Robert Brown and (unofficially) Edward Fox?

7. Two of Fleming's books have each provided the basis for two Bond films. One is Casino Royale. What is the other?

8. What links The Hildebrand Rarity, Property of a Ladyand Risico?

9. Which of the following personalities has not played James Bond: Barry Nelson, Bob Holness, David Niven, Hoagy Carmichael, Toby Stephens?

10. Who was the real-life author of Birds of the West Indies?

For answers scroll down


1. James Bond.

2. Lazenby.

3. Dame Shirley Bassey.

4. Felicity Shagwell. The rest are all genuine female characters in Bond films. Felicity appears in Austin Powers.

5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

6. Judi Dench. The question refers to M.

7. Thunderball. The book - or rather an original treatment - was the basis for Never Say Never Again.

8. These are the last remain Fleming titles - all short stories - not to have given their names to a Bond film.

9. Hoagy Carmichael. But Fleming did compare the spy's appearance to Carmichael in Casino Royale.

10. James Bond. Fleming, long a Caribbean resident, appropriated the ornithologist's name.