The weekly movie quiz

By Donald Clarke

By Donald Clarke


1. Which annoying rodent had a girlfriend called Minnie and a dog called

2. What comes between Curse of the Black Pearl and At World's End?

3. Which American president is waving at the crowd? (see photo)

4. Gummo and Zeppo were the least famous members of which comedy troupe?

5. Which martial arts star is soon to play himself in an (unexpectedly)
acclaimed film called JCVD?

6. Who links William Thacker, Daniel Cleaver and an unnamed Prime

7. Transformers, Max Payne, Silent Hill, Resident Evil. Which is the odd
one out?

8. "A man went looking for America. And couldn't find it anywhere..." In
which 1960s classic?

9. Where Fargo is. Where Rosemary conceived her baby. Biggest child star
of the noughties. What are we on about?

10. What comes after The Set-Up, The Hook, The Tale, The Wire and The

Scroll down for the answers

1. Mickey Mouse.

2. Dead Man's Chest. The question refers to the Pirates of the Caribbean

3. Richard Nixon. (It's Frank Langella in Frost/Nixon.)

4. The Marx Brothers.

5. Jean-Claude Van Damme.

6. Hugh Grant. He played those roles in Notting Hill, Bridget Jones's
Diary and Love, Actually.

7. Transformers. The rest were all based on video games.

8. Easy Rider. That was the film's tagline.

9. Dakota. The question refers to North Dakota, the Dakota Building and
Dakota Fanning.

10. The Sting. These are the inter-titles in that 1973 film.