This Week They Said

There is a witch-hunt against feudalism. We want fair play for feudalism

There is a witch-hunt against feudalism. We want fair play for feudalism. - Ex-Tory MP Neil Hamilton, who approves of embattled Paymaster General Geoffrey Robinson's practice of paying local labourers on his Tuscany estate in olives

The PDs came into the 28th Dail in a taxi, but the performance of Mr Robert Molloy [on the Carlow housing controversy] will ensure that the party will leave this Dail in a skip. - Mr Phil Hogan (FG)

If the Three Wise Men arrived here tonight, the likelihood is that they would be deported. - Democratic Left leader Mr Proinsias De Rossa, calling for an amnesty for asylum-seekers

Death holds no terror for me, but the dying is difficult, saying goodbye. I was never any good at it.


- Euthanasia advocate Dr Paddy Leahy, who intends to end his own life

So, no big gigs and no Late Late Show?

- Broadcaster Eamon Dunphy to Archbishop Des- mond Connell on ground rules for Bishop Eamonn Casey's return

I am sorry I'm hoarse, so bear with me. - The Tanaiste, Ms Harney

Clearing those skips is dusty work. - Labour leader Mr Ruairi Quinn

It was just like a typical family Christmas. No one was talking to anyone. - A unionist guest on conduct at a lunch for parties to the Stormont talks at Castle Buildings

He doesn't get into fights deliberately, but he's very interested in violence. I think it's cultural. - Victoria Clarke on partner Shane McGowan

In dementia, we need to convert the dictum `I think therefore I am' to `I will feel and relate while disconnected by forgetfulness from my former self, but still I am'. - Dr Desmond O'Neill, consultant in geriatric medicine and age-related health care

During an interview last year, he pissed into a wine bottle. With me, he confined himself to biting his toenails and eating and smiling at the same time. I know this sounds weird, but it made him more attractive. - Journalist Marianne MacDonald interviews actor Sean Penn

There's plenty of room on these planes, and beds, a casino, showers and exercise areas are all being considered. - Virgin Atlantic spokesman on the company's £1.6 billion Airbus deal

When we were putting this group together at the start, it was hard to get Irish guys to perceive themselves as strippers. They were a bit paranoid that their mammies might see them. - Tiernan, one of the five Celtic Knights, Ireland's answer to the Chippendales

Tomorrow the Apprentice Boys will be gone home, the rioters will be gone home, the police will be gone home and we'll be the ones left with the bills. - Hotelier Garbhan O'Doherty on last weekend's riot in Derry

The risk is inestimable but likely to be very remote. - A CJD specialist on the risk from Amerscan Pulmonate II agent

In the case of the health services every group that has had an entitlement has had to go on strike. It is a sad reflection on the state of the health services. - IMO chief executive George McNeice

Of all the cubs being suckled by the Celtic Tiger, by far the fattest, sleekest and best-nurtured are the lawyers. - Pat Rabbitte, Democratic Left

There has been a surplus in the balance of payments over the past six years, while the deficit is close to being in surplus. - Economist Kevin Gardiner of Morgan Stanley, who coined the phrase Celtic Tiger