This Week They Said

They sat around the Cabinet table with a blank map and magic markers and dreamt up a new scheme

They sat around the Cabinet table with a blank map and magic markers and dreamt up a new scheme. The people of Dublin have been sold a pipedream by this Government.

- Fine Gael public enter- prise spokesman Ivan Yates's verdict on the Luas plan

There won't be a spoonful of Dublin earth dug in the next five years.

- Labour TD Emmet Stagg on the prospects for Dublin's light rail system following the Government's announcement on Luas


Given good health, then yes, I could stay a full eight years.

- Newly-appointed head of the European Central Bank Wim Duisenberg gives his views on serving out his term

I love it for all its magnificent foolishness, its grand illusion that it brings together the diverse peoples and cultures of Europe on one great wing of song, when all it makes manifest is how far apart everybody is.

- Terry Wogan on the Eurovision Song Contest

I would like to say to people, just listen to the song and try to forget my personal story. It is a singing competition, not a sexual competition.

- Eurovision's most controversial competitor, Israeli transsexual Dana International appeals to voters to ignore her sexuality

I am not saying "absolutely never" with regard to that individual, but he has a long, long way to go.

- UUP leader David Trimble on sitting in cabinet with Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams

There is more talk of whether there is a government of the left, or is it a government of the right, or whether it's the third way, or whether we all live in a big tent.

- Deputy British Prime Minister John Prescott

It's extremely difficult to give you that answer.

- Former IRA killer turned informer Sean O'Callaghan when asked as a witness for the Sunday Times in a High Court libel case to name one person in the last 10 years to whom he had consistently told the truth

This is the beginning of the separation between those who are willing to give and take a bit and those who are stuck in the past.

- Lurgan GP Dr Fred McSorley's view on the Belfast Agreement

We have to keep emphasising that this is the first time since 1918 in an act of self-determination that everyone on this island, on the one issue, has had the opportunity to pass their verdict.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, opening the Fianna Fail referendum campaign

Our sailing into Cork in June 1999 having travelled around the world and raised funds for these children would have been his proudest moment . . . so we are finishing the trip for him.

- Rory Coveney on the Coveney children's commitment to complete their Chernobyl Children's Project voyage as a tribute to their late father, Hugh

I'm the happiest I have ever been.

- Boyzone star Ronan Keating after his marriage to Yvonne Connolly

We used to be called "Lucky Arsenal" and then it was "Boring Arsenal". It was good fun for people not to like us, wasn't it? I don't care, but I think we are in danger of winning a lot of new friends now. We've got a real problem there!

- Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood celebrates the Gunners' Premiership title

Women are very boring. The old banners are rolled up and moth-eaten, the old slogans archaic. Women's Lib sounds as passe as the suffragettes.

- commentator Polly Toynbee