This Week They Said

Today has been a good day for Northern Ireland.

Today has been a good day for Northern Ireland.

- The Rev Ian Paisley, of Thursday's events at Stormont

I am sure on a personal level that Dr Paisley is a nice man . . . But here in terms of his leadership of a section of our people . . . he has been disgraceful. - Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein president

Those efforts have not just been spurned, they have been scorned.


- Seamus Mallon, who has resigned, on unionist treatment of attempts by Mr Blair and President Clinton to move the peace process forward

He will be greatly missed in Northern Ireland in that job because his contribution has been important and crucial in holding it together. I hope he can see his way to stand again for an office in the Assembly in the months and years ahead, because without him it is a sadder place.

- The Northern Secretary, Dr Mo Mowlam, of Mr Mallon

I trust the message leaving Stormont and going out across the world is not unionists' refusal to share power with Roman Catholics and nationalists. It is their refusal to have in government those who have terrorised this community and who are unreconstructed terrorists.

- Cedric Wilson, Northern Ireland Unionist Party

The issue of decommissioning was never an issue between unionists and nationalists, it was an issue between unionism. A battle within unionism for the hearts and minds of taking people absolutely nowhere.

- David Ervine, PUP

This process should not be crashed. But instead it should be parked. Those who arranged today's business were designing a crash, and that is not in the interest of the people of Northern Ireland.

- David Trimble

Let me be very, very clear from this bastion of former unionism that the days of second-class citizenship in this institution, or in our country, or in this state, are over. We are going to be first-class ministers, we are going to be first-class Assembly members, we are going to be first-class citizens on this island.

- Gerry Adams, at Stormont on Wednesday

Today is a setback. It would be foolish to deny that. But it would be even more foolish to conclude that the Good Friday agreement cannot continue.

- Dr Mowlam

The Assembly is now adjourned.

- Lord Alderdice at 1.25 p.m. on Thursday

We won't be taken for a ride. We don't have a neon sign on top of our heads reading "stupid."

- Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator, before talks with Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak

You saw it as a bribe, a payment for favours or perhaps an illusory promise of favours.

- Frank Callanan SC, counsel for James Gogarty in the Flood tribunal, accusing Ray Burke of applying most of the £30,000 political donation from JMSE for his personal use

They never used to exist, you know . . . I can see no reason why those who can't act, by their own confession, should take it upon themselves to tell us trained professionals how to ply our trade.

- Actor Peter O'Toole, of directors

We shot a lot that I wouldn't do for any other director. Kubrick wanted it almost pornographic.

- Nicole Kidman, actress, on her new movie, Eyes Wide Shut

I'm not arrogant enough or stupid enough to think Manchester United will break the bank to keep me.

- Roy Keane, after turning down United's contract offer