The latest releases reviewed.

The latest releases reviewed.

DÓNAL CLANCY Close to Home Compass Records ****

Family history can be as much of a hindrance as a help, but Dónal Clancy wears his inheritance lightly on his solo debut. A founding member of Danú, he's also burnt up the road miles with Eileen Ivers and Solas. On his solo debut, Clancy's disciplined solo guitar playing is a revelation. Mature, unforced and light of touch, his style does much to draw attention to the tune but not the player. His reading of Seán Ó Duibhir A Ghleanna is a haughty, high-stepping delight, and Lord Inchiquin sidles in between Clancy's guitar strings from its original place on the harp as though tune and instrument were born for one another. With sleeve notes that are a model of distilled understatement, solo debuts don't come more well-rounded than this. Siobhán Long