
Fruit yogurts

Fruit yogurts

Glenisk Low Fat Strawberry Yogurt €0.59 for 150 grams, €3.93 per kilo

Highs: This organic, smooth yogurt comes out on top, largely because it tastes of real strawberries and manages to be sufficiently sweet while retaining a kick. Despite being low-fat, it keeps its creaminess. Remarkably, perhaps, given the quality, it's also the cheapest of the brands tried.

Lows: For some people, the absence of fruit chunks might be something of a minus. Its anaemic appearance may act as testament to the product's lack of artificiality.


Verdict: Fresh tasting and fine.

Star rating: ****

Marks & Spencer Low Fat Yogurt €0.79 for 170 grams, €4.64 per kilo

Highs: Hats off to M&S for devoting a growing amount of shelf space to organic products. This low-fat organic yogurt tastes pretty good and is lighter and more natural tasting than some of the others. The flavours are also more complex, with the oddly sweet aftertaste explained by the presence of elderberry juice.

Lows: While the lowering of the fat content is to be commended, the lowering of the creaminess content is not. And, at €4.64 per kg, it is also the most expensive brand tried.

Verdict: Harmless but fairly pricey.

Star rating: ***

Müller Strawberry Fruit Corner €0.74 for 175 grams, €4.22 per kilo

Highs: Because the yogurt and the fruit come in separate compartments, the consumer controls the level of fruitiness, which some people might find useful. It is sweet enough to satisfy even the strongest of sugar cravings.

Lows: While all the mixing is the product's unique selling point, it does seem slightly pointless. It tastes just a little too processed, and the sweetness may be too much for some. The sugar also goes some way to negating the feel-good factor.

Verdict: Too sweet by half.

Star rating: **

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt

€0.52 for 125 grams, €4.16 per kilo

Highs: One of the longest established brands, Yoplait has seen off many contenders over the years, relying on a cheap, cheerful and always accessible approach as opposed to an over-reliance on scientific buzz words. This perennial favourite still tastes okay and comes with solid chunks of strawberries.

Lows: Or at least they are probably strawberries - the fruit is so heavily processed that it is hard to tell. This yogurt is gloopy and the lurid red colour is ever so slightly alarming.

Verdict: Sweetly familiar.

Star rating: ***