Watch this space

Temple Bar Gallery and Studios are currently looking for a new director, to take over from Norah Norton, who leaves in June

Temple Bar Gallery and Studios are currently looking for a new director, to take over from Norah Norton, who leaves in June. Five years, she reckons, is a reasonable stint in the job, and she misses her native county, Cork. Much of her time and energy at TBG&S were devoted to necessary internal reform and her efforts have borne fruit, not least in the form of changes instituted by the artist members last year. These mean that no more full members will be appointed, and access to the studios will be on the basis of a standard three-year term, with one possible extension up to another three years, generating a healthy turn-over in occupancy. Between this and its tri-annual Arts Council funding, TBG&S looks like an interesting proposition for arts administrators.