What’s On: a weekly selection of events around Ireland

Eamon de Valera under arrest in Richmond Barracks, Dublin after the 1916 Rising. Fractures by Uncut Diamonds is a play looking at the legacy of 1916 and the contrast between the idealism of the Proclamation and the reality of the State it created, Marino College, North Strand Road. See Dublin


Malone House, Barnett Demesne, Belfast: The Collins Press will launch Paul Clements' new book, Wandering Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way – From Banba's Crown to World's End (Tues 15th, 6.30pm, free). 021-4347717. gillian@collinspress.ie. collinspress.ie/book-launch-wandering-irelands-wild-atlantic-way.html.


Triskel Christchurch, Tobin Street, Cork City:


Chamber music ensembleTrio di Parma – Alberto Miodini, piano; Ivan Rabaglia, violin; Enrico Bronzi, cello – (Thurs 10th, 8pm,







Stories, Poetry and Dreams

– an intimate evening with Michael Murphy and friends: Eamonn Lawlor, Emer O’Kelly, Eileen Dunne and Ciana Campbell (Saturday, 12th, 8pm).


20. 021-4272022.

marketing@triskelartscentre.ie. triskelartscentre.ie.

Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh: Hold The Candle To Your Eye/Light The Criss-Cross On Your Chest – a new body of work by Richard Proffitt (Thurs 10th, 7pm, free). 021-4813790. info@siriusartscentre.ie. siriusartscentre.ie/exhibitions/richard-proffitt.

UCC Civil Engineering Building, room 110 (near UCC's College Road entrance): Astronomy lecture – New Horizons: Stepping on Pluto's Threshold into Interplanetary Stardom. How our view of the outer solar system has been revolutionised (Mon 14th, 8pm, free). 085-7082228. info@corkastronomyclub.com. corkastronomyclub.com.


Maritime Museum, Dún Laoghaire

: Michael Smith, polar expert and author, will talk about explorer and leader Ernest Shackleton at the Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival (Thurs 10th, 8pm,


10). 01-2312929.

collinspress.ie/michael-smith-...-on-tour.htmlOpens in new window ]


Central Library, Ilac Centre, Henry Street: Russian Festival event: talk/recital on 125th anniversary of Sergey Prokofiev and 110th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich with Olga Lopalo and Katerina Spranskay (pianist). (Thurs 10th, 1pm, free but booking essential). 01-8734333 (ext 5). musiclibrary@dublincity.ie. dublincity.ie.

St Mary's Church Haddington Road: Patrick Finn Lecture Series: Eamon de Valera and 1916 by Ronan Fanning, Professor Emeritus of Modern History, UCD (Thurs 10th, 7.15pm, free). 01-6600075. stmaryshaddingtonroad.ie. stmaryshaddingtonroad.ie.

National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street: Public tour of the exhibition WWI Ireland: Exploring the Irish Experience showcasing material from the library's collections (Thurs 10th, 2pm, free, no booking required). 01-6030200. info@nli.ie. nli.ie.

Synge Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, TCD:

Friends of the Library lecture by Dr Christine Casey on

Architecture and Ornament: Migrant Craftsmen in Eighteenth-Century Ireland

(Thurs 10th, 7.30pm,


5, conc


2.50). 01-8961544.

LibraryFriends@tcd.ieOpens in new window ]


Connolly Room, Liberty Hall: Award-winning singer/song writer Brendan Devereux (Fri 11th, 9.30pm, free). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Connolly House, Marino College, North Strand Road: Midwife of a Nation – a show that celebrates the contribution of women during the events of the 1916 Rising (Fri 11th, 1pm, €5) 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Griffith College, South Circular Road: In the Footsteps of General Ginkel: the Archaeology of a Campaign – Military History Society lecture by Damian Shiels (Fri 11th, 8pm, free). 0906-472420.

Merrion Square Park: Pawsitivity in the City – a fun-filled family pet event with a doggie disco, doggie cafe, expert pet advice, pet grooming, dog adoptions and entertainment, hosted by Pedigree and Whiskas Ireland (Fri 11th, 12.30pm, free). 01-6789333. peter.lynch@edelman.com. pawsitiveliving.ie.

Annesley House 70, North Strand Road: A vibrant menage-a-trois of performances with Caroline Moreau, Nicole Rourke and pianist Claire Crehan (Sat 12th, 8.30pm, €10). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Charleville Mall Library, North Strand: Rainbow Music, a workshop for children, (Sat 12th, 18 months to 3 years at 2.30pm, and 3-6 years old at 3.15pm, free). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Connolly House, Marino College, North Strand Road: Shadow puppetry workshop for children aged 7-12 years old. Design and create your own shadow puppet and see other puppets from around the world (Sat 12th, 10am, free) 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Irish Writers' Centre, Parnell Square: Beginners' screen writing workshop (Sat 12th, 10.30am-1.30pm, €12/€15) . 087-9737401. irishwriterscentre.ie.

Customs House, Dublin: Join author and tour guide Neale Doherty for a walking tour which will reveal the stories behind Dublin's statues (Sat 12th, 2pm to 4pm, free). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Kilternan, Dublin 18: Kilternan Country Market (opp Golden Ball). Fresh home-made produce (Sat 12th, 10am). 087-6416286. mickgorse@gmail.com. kilternancountrymarket.com.

Daniel O'Connell monument, O'Connell Street: Join Carly Keegan on a walk through Dublin's O'Connell Street and explore the history of the key monuments on the central meridian (Sun 13th, 10am-11:30am, free). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

The Grand Social 35, Lwr Liffey Street: Ireland's Best Buskers (Sun 13th, 7pm, €5). 087-9737401. fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com.

Marino College, North Strand Road: Fractures by Uncut Diamonds – play looking at the legacy of the 1916 rebellion and the contrast between the idealism of the Proclamation and the reality of the State it created (Mon 14th, 8pm, €5). 087-9737401. fivelampsarts.ie.

The Button Factory, Curved Street, Temple Bar:

Opsh presents the

Asking For It

book club event. Discussion on the central themes of the book and on the challenges of being a young woman in the social media age by a panel female speakers led by author Louise O’Neill (Mon 14th, 6.30pm, from


15 via

eventbrite.ieOpens in new window ]


hello@opsh.comOpens in new window ]


The Goat, Goatstown:

An Taisce illustrated talk on


Dublin, The Artist’s View

by Peter Pearson, artist and environmentalist (Tues 15th, 8pm,


4). 01-2984838.

Pastoral Centre, Foxrock:

FLHC main talk :

Changing times in the Lighthouse Service

by Brian Maguire; Short talk

Local Government- Roads and Dispensaries

by Martin McCarthy (Tues 15th, 8pm, non-members


5). 086-2221693.

maureendaly_dublin@hotmail.comOpens in new window ]


foxrocklocalhistoryOpens in new window ]


Lantern Centre, Synge Street:

Jung Society public lecture on


by William Garnermann (Tues 15th, 8pm,


10). 085-7610354.

Jungireland@hotmail.comOpens in new window ]


Jungcentre.comOpens in new window ]


Draíocht, Blanchardstown: The Irish Language and 1916 – Pobal Gaeilge Cúig Déag hosting a night to commemorate the integral role the Irish language played in the events of 1916 (Tues 15th, 7pm, free). 01-8852622. marketing@draiocht.ie. draiocht.ie.

Sean O'Casey Theatre, East Wall: The Flood by Ciarán Taylor with Karl Quinn and Roger Gregg, a live multi-sensory audio play in the dark (Wed 16th, 7pm. €10, conc €5). 087-9737401. fivelampsarts.ie.



Bringing a Landscape to Life

– a creative writing workshop led by Paul Clements (Sat 12th) as part of the Learning Landscape Symposium (Fri 11th,


75 for the symposium). 091-638096.

trust@burrenbeo.comOpens in new window ]


eventbrite.ieOpens in new window ]


Townhall Theatre, Galway: Padraig McCaul's new exhibition, On the Edge of the Atlantic (Fri, 11th, 5.30pm, free). 086-8801733. info@padraigmccaul.com. padraigmccaul.com.

Harbour Hotel, Dock Road: Galway Archaeological and Historical Society public lecture, John Redmond and the Third Home Rule Bill 1912 -1916 by Dermot Meleady (Mon 14th, 8pm, free). 086-3574294. tafaherty@gmail.com. gahs.info.

The Westwood House, Dangan, Upper Newcastle:

Artists and their Gardens

– a flower demonstration by Maeve Duke, NAFAS national demonstrator, Doddervale Club (Tues 15th, 8pm, non-members


10). 086-3432319.

aoifa.com/flowerclubsOpens in new window ]



Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge:

The Real McCoy

, directed by Bro Michael Broderick. Meet hard-hearted Madge and her daughter Maura who wants to marry the postman (Thurs 10th, 8pm,


12, conc


10). 045-448327,

boxoffice@riverbank.ieOpens in new window ]


riverbank.ieOpens in new window ]


Dunamaise Arts Centre, Church Street, Portlaoise:

Amhrán na Mara

– le céiliúradh a dhéanamh ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge, beidh drama ar siúl again faoi scéal Ben agus Saoirse, a dheirfiúr beag, agus an turas iontach a bhí acu (Fri 11th, 11am,


3, teacher free). 057-8663355.

boxoffice@dunamaise.ieOpens in new window ]


dunamaise.ieOpens in new window ]



The Hunt Museum: St Patrick's Visit to Limerick: Fact or Fiction – lecture by Pádraig Ó Riain (Tues 15th, 1pm. free). 061-312960. friends@huntmuseum.com. huntmuseum.com.


Custom House Studios, Westport Quay: Art exhibition featuring art and film from two Mayo arts groups, Luisne Art Project of Ballinrobe, and Scannán Technologies from Ballina (Thurs 10th, 1pm, free). 098-28735. customhouse@eircom.net. customhousestudios.ie.

Westport Coast Hotel:

The Quakers in Connaught

– a Westport Civic Trust lecture by Joan Johnson on the life and times and charitable works of Quakers in Co Mayo and Co Galway (Tues 15th, 8pm,


5). 087-2663423.


Lismullin Conference Centre, Tara:

Patrick Pearse and Education: A Troubled Legacy?

Talk by Dr Brendan Walsh as part of Lismullin Institute Heritage series Spring 2016 (Thurs 10th, 8pm,


5). 01-6760731.

info@lismullin.ieOpens in new window ]


lismullin.ieOpens in new window ]



The Source Arts Centre, Cathedral Street, Thurles:

Abbey Theatre presents

Me, Mollser

(Thurs 10th, 10am & 12pm,


6/€5 for groups of 15+). 0504-90204.

boxoffice@sourcearts.ieOpens in new window ]


thesourceartscentre.ieOpens in new window ]



Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely: Rod Coyne's exclusive series of portraits remembering key faces of the 1916 Easter Rising.  RTÉ newscaster Bryan Dobson will launch the show (Sun 13th, 4pm, free). 087-2259680. info@rodcoyne.com. courthousearts.ie.