What’s on Wednesday: John Prine and Third Bridge


Third Bridge

Andrew Kearney and Deirdre Power. Ormston House Gallery, 9-10 Patrick St, Limerick. Until Sep 18 ormstonhouse.com

In 1983 Andrew Kearney and Deirdre Power, then first-year students at LSAD, collaborated with three others (Ursula McMahon, Susan McCarthy and Ann Costello) in a pioneering public art project. In the midst of public debate about the long-awaited new bridge over the Shannon, they designed, made and put in place a symbolic third bridge. Immediately sabotaged and then undone by weather conditions, it was a notable artistic enterprise for its time. Here, they revisit it with a photographic record, a documentary archive and an installation at the Sylvester O’Halloran Footbridge.



John Prine

Glór Irish Music Centre, Ennis, Co Clare 8pm €45 glor.ie

The singer-songwriter’s singer-songwriter? Many have been lumbered with such a burdensome description, but only John Prine can validly lay claim to such. While connected to Ireland via marriage, he rarely plays here, so this gig is what is known as a golden opportunity. Those who reckon it’s a long way from here to Clare (or vice versa, even) can take comfort in the knowledge that he’s in Dublin’s Vicar Street next week.