What’s on Wednesday: Ron Sexsmith, Marisa Anderson and the Andy Sheppard Quartet


Ron Sexsmith

The Pav, Cork 8pm €17.50 thepavcork.com Also Thurs, Limerick

Canadian singer-songwriter Ron Sexsmith has always been far more critics’ favourite than people’s choice, but there is much to admire about a songwriter that hasn’t thrown away his integrity in order to gain commercial acceptance. Classy songs, introspective lyrics, gentle humour? Tick those boxes.



Marisa Anderson

Spirit Store, Dundalk, Co Louth 9pm Adm free spiritstore.ie Also Thurs, Dublin

Currently touring with Sharon Van Etten, this Portland, Oregon multi-instrumentalist/ songwriter/essayist delivers evocative slide guitar work that takes delta-blues into new, brave territory. And, yes, that means you, ragas and psychedelia.


Andy Sheppard Quartet

Sugar Club, Leeson St, Dublin 8pm, €20, tickets.ie (Wed)

Great Hall, University of Ulster Magee, Derry, 8pm, £10/£5, walledcitymusic.com (Thurs)

Bristol saxophonist and ECM artist Andy Sheppard’s latest album, Surrounded by Sea – with drummer Seb Rochford of Polar Bear, and acclaimed Norwegian guitarist and electronic artist Eivind Aarset – features Irish traditional music juxtaposed with ambient grooves and electronica. Unusually, the band on the recording is the band on the tour, so they’re well worth the excursion. Continues next week to Belfast (Fri 9th) and Limerick (Sat 10th).